Wednesday, July 13, 2005

We Finally Get to Move

It ended up a bit rushed, but we're looking forward to it. I had lined up some former co-workers to help us load the van July 16. When our house's buyer took longer than expected to secure a loan, I told the guys there was no way we would do it that weekend. They, of course, had made other plans by the time I found out July 11 that the date was a "go" after all. Oh, boy, this should be fun.

My dread for moving is outweighed by the fact that it will free us from living under someone else's roof. We've been eating some fine cooking and haven't had to mow a lawn in two months. That part, I'll miss. Also, Ben has loved being around his grandparents all the time. Even at age two, however, he has some sense of being in his own house. When Shannon and her mom arrived at our Missouri house to start packing it last night, Ben visibly brightened at the sight of it and ran around like he was more comfortable and secure than he'd been in a long time. It will be nice to be out with Ben, and mean it when we say, "It's time to go home."

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